Scorpius Bench

The Scorpius Bench combines modern design with functionality, available in two- and three-person versions. Its fiberglass composite construction ensures resistance to moisture and UV rays, making it perfect for use in marine environments. The high-quality upholstery materials guarantee durability and ease of maintenance. With a wide selection of colors and customization options, the Scorpius Bench integrates seamlessly into any boat interior, adding a unique and distinctive touch.

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The Scorpius Bench combines modern design with functionality, available in two- and three-person versions. Its fiberglass composite construction ensures resistance to moisture and UV rays, making it perfect for use in marine environments. The high-quality upholstery materials guarantee durability and ease of maintenance. With a wide selection of colors and customization options, the Scorpius Bench integrates seamlessly into any boat interior, adding a unique and distinctive touch.

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